Thanks to the assigned rules on April 2, 2018, that contain three types of permits for the creators of unmanned vehicles. The first permit was assigned a year ago and generally allowed the appearance on the roads of autonomous cars along with a test person who, in the event of an emergency, should intercept control of the car.
Resolution number 2 confirmed the possibility of testing drones of the fourth and fifth levels of autonomy.
The third permit concerns specifically the conditions of the test program. For example, in order to get the right to test these cars, their creators must test them on closed landfills. Also, such drones must fully comply with the requirements of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) for level 4 or 5 autonomous vehicles.
This means that these machines must be able to independently and without human intervention to travel on roads and stop if necessary. Machines with the fifth level were allowed in principle not to have a steering wheel, gas and brake pedals. But the company that created this car must monitor them remotely and be able to intercept the control of the car immediately and stop it in case of unforeseen circumstances.
The desire of how you get into the car, sit on the back seat, talk in the emptiness of the salon the right address and start to go, as well as viewing working papers on the tablet or even having time to work to see a series of your favorite series while it remains a sweet dream.
But we are all waiting for this moment with impatience.